SimQuick is an Excel spreadsheet with macros, so all you need to run SimQuick is a copy of Excel installed on your computer or network. Due to the macros, when you download SimQuick, your computer’s security software may give you a warning, and, when you first open SimQuick, Excel may give you a warning. Here’s what to do.
If you are using Excel 2007 or later on a PC; or if you are using Excel 2011 on a Mac:
SimQuick download (.xlsm format; updated 4/6/18).
If you are using Excel 2016 on a Mac, please use this version:
SimQuick download (.xlsm format; updated 4/6/18).
If you have an older version of Excel on a PC (before 2007):
SimQuick download (.xls format; updated 4/6/18).
Note: If the default language on your computer is not English, SimQuick may have trouble reading in some numbers. This can be addressed by:
- Changing the Excel language to English (e.g., on later versions of Excel on PCs, look under File / Options / Language) and/or
- Changing the system language to English (e.g., look under Settings on PC systems).
Some details on the different versions
Saving a SimQuick file
If you have a newer version of Excel, then you should download the .xlsm version of SimQuick above. You can then save copies of the file as usual.
If you download the older .xls version, but you have a newer version of Excel, you may see, when saving, a window labelled “Compatibility Checker.” By clicking “Continue” the file will be saved in the older format; if you click on “Cancel,” you can then click on “Save As” and select the newer .xlsm format, if you prefer.
Using SimQuick
Here is a simple example of how SimQuick can be used to model a waiting line in a bank. This should give you a quick taste of how SimQuick works. If you like, download the software and give it a try.
For more detail on how to use SimQuick, check out the SimQuick booklet. The first example in the booklet is an expanded version of the bank example.